We can all make a difference.
5G and its related issues are now of global concern. All over the world, people like you and I, are getting involved for safer technology and healthy solutions. Please join us in whatever way you feel motivated to do so. The following are some suggestions but by no means represent all of what is possible. Please feel free to contact us with resources and ideas you may find valuable.

1. Visit the 5GCrisis.com Action Page.
The good folks over at www.5GCrisis.com have an excellent Take Action page HERE.
It contains many useful resources to help educate and engage your community and local elected representatives.

2. Visit the Ehtrust.com Action Page.
Environmental Health Trust is among the most reliable resource pages on 5G and also has an excellent Take Action Page which can be found HERE.

3. Help Protect Your Kids at School.
Wireless radiation is becoming increasingly dense and problematic for children.
Here’s what you can do: Practical Solutions

4. Get Involved with an Existing Organization or Create Your Own
Americans for Responsible Technology has a comprehensive and growing list of organizations involved in rolling back 5G HERE.
You may also wish to see if there is a Facebook 5G page for your community. Many active ones exist. 

5. Visit Our Events Section to see what is happening near you

6. Visit Our Local Petitions and Groups Section and Add Your Voice

7. Stay Motivated, Stay Informed…